litigation support

eDiscovery in SA - Significant development on Discovery Rules change

Every country that has adopted eDiscovery into its civil procedure rules has found the support of a Judge or a number of Judges. Indeed in many jurisdictions, members of the judiciary have been drivers or extremely instrumental in the changes. We have not had that luxury or benefit here in SA, relying solely on committees or sub-committees within the Rules Board, which are, at best, part time people who meet infrequently.

eDiscovery in SA - 2018 review to date, Keywords, TAR, LPA, POPIA and all that jazz

There are law firms that have used eDiscovery technology in 2018 for the very first time. There are law firms that, in the past, have chosen not to show interest in eDiscovery technology but, this year, asked for presentations, so that they could “bring ourselves up to date” as one Director of a large law firm told me recently.

eDiscovery in SA - Global eDiscovery happenings and in South Africa a new President!

First and foremost I offer my sincerest gratitude to all who read and support my blog, especially those from within SA. The news that my eDiscovery blog had found 54th place in the world was viewed by well over of 1000 of you. Thank you for reading and for all your comments and support.

There is a lot happening around the world on eDiscovery judging by the volume and variety of information which comes across my desktop on a daily basis, far too much to disseminate and provide worthwhile interest to my target market here in South Africa. However, it is always good to see a snapshot of what is happening elsewhere as a kind of precursor to what may, eventually, happen here.

eDiscovery in SA - Blog awarded Top 60 eDiscovery blog

This is the 55th blog post I have written on eDiscovery in SA since May 2015 and this post announces that my blog has just been awarded a place in the Top 60 global eDiscovery blogs by Feedspot. It is ranked 54th in the world at the moment and it is up to me (and you!) to keep it there or even progress it farther up the list.